How To Raise Orphan Kittens? Communication and Language Orphan Kittens and the Importance of Microchipping

Orphan Kittens and the Importance of Microchipping

As someone who loves felines, I’m here to tell you a story. It begins on a frigid winter day, with the discovery of a litter of orphan kittens abandoned in a cardboard box and leads to an impassioned plea about the life-saving importance of microchipping cats. Let’s dive in!

The Unexpected Encounter

Imagine walking home in the biting cold when you hear the faintest of mews. You spot a discarded cardboard box with ‘Free Kittens’ scrawled clumsily on the side. Pulling back the flaps, you gasp out, “Oh, dear universe!” Inside, a cluster of shivering kittens, no more than a few weeks old, huddle together for warmth.

The first thought that crosses your mind is ‘How could anyone abandon these little ones?’ That’s followed quickly by, ‘What do I do now?’

The Responsibility of Pet Ownership

Photo by Kote Puerto on Unsplash

Here’s the tough truth: owning pets is a responsibility, not just a privilege. When you opt for pets, you’re signing up for every aspect of their care – feeding, medical attention, comfort, and above all, safety. For the ones making the hasty decision to abandon them, remember that “kittens are not mere toys to be discarded once the novelty wears off”.

The Lifesaver: Microchipping

Let me take you to the pivotal point of my narrative – the importance of microchipping your pets. But what exactly is a microchip?

Microchips are tiny devices about the size of a grain of rice. They’re inserted under a pet’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades and instantaneously provide a permanent ID for the pet.

The Procedure

Don’t worry; it’s much simpler and safer than it sounds. The process of microchipping is swift and no more discomforting than a regular vaccination. What’s better, it’s not exorbitantly priced and can be done by any vet or animal welfare charity.

Why Should You Microchip?

The question brewing in your mind might be, ‘Why should I microchip my pets?’ Here’s why:

  1. Identification and Recovery: If your pet goes missing, a microchip provides a swift and efficient way to be reunited with them. A simple scan discloses the pet’s unique code, which can be traced back to the owner.
  2. Non-Detachable: Collars might snap; tags might get lost, but a microchip is going nowhere. It stays with your pet for life.
  3. Proof of Ownership: In situations where your pet’s ownership is disputed, a registered microchip will always serve as the most potent piece of evidence.

The Wrap-up

While chips can’t prevent kittens from being orphaned in the first place, they can deter some circumstances leading to such abandonment and possibly lead to penalizing those who callously discard their pets. Resistance to the practice might stem from misconceptions about installments, costs, or fears of harm to the pet. But remember, the microchipping procedure is safe, relatively cheap, and ultimately beneficial.

Microchipping is more than a backup identification tool – it’s a ticket home for lost pets. So, if you’re brought home a kitten or cat – be that bundle of furriness an adorable stray, an adventurous orphan, or a rescue from a local shelter – remember to microchip. It’s your pet’s roundtrip ticket home and your best chance of seeing them again if they go adventuring.

After all, who wouldn’t move mountains to protect their beloved furry friends?Understand more about the process of microchipping your cat or another pet, please visit the official ASPCA microchipping FAQ page. Remember, it’s not just about giving your pet a home; it’s also about making sure they can always find their way back to it!