It’s time to adopt a new kitten, but which breed is right for you? With so many choices in the world of cats, it can be overwhelming to decide. To make the decision easier, we have compiled a list of the 10 best kitten breeds under $500. Whether you are looking for a lap cat, an active athlete, or a couch potato, you will find the perfect match on this list. From the affectionate Ragdoll to the playful Bengal, there is something for everyone. So take a look and find your ideal kitten – the one that will bring you years of love and joy!
1. Ragdoll
The first kitten breed on the list is the Ragdoll is a breed of semi-long-haired breed of cat with a gentle nature and affectionate disposition. The Ragdoll breed was the first cat breed created by mating a domestic cat with a wild species, in this case, the Persian, and was established in California as a result of a breeding effort that started in the 1960s. Ragdolls are renowned for having a calm temperament, and possibly more than any other breed, they are frequently suggested to those who suffer from allergies. They have big bones, are kind, and laid back. They are affectionate, docile, relaxed, and peaceful. They make very good companions for people of all ages, including children. However, they are not suited to outdoor living or to being kept in a cage. They should always have access to a warm and comfortable indoor area where they can rest or sleep.
2. Bengal
The Bengal is a hybrid kitten breed of domestic cat. Bengals are known for their exotic appearance and their ability to climb trees. This is a highly intelligent cat that thrives on attention and activity. Bengals love people, are extremely affectionate and are generally very active and playful. They are known as avid climbers and have even been known to climb up the walls of houses. They are very sensitive to sound, so frequent guests or loud music will not be appreciated by the Bengal. These cats are very independent, and they are not lap cats. They prefer the higher things in life and will happily amuse themselves with toys and climbing! Bengals are also known for their affinity for water. They truly enjoy being immersed in water and will happily paddle, swim, and splash.

3. American Curl

The American Curl is a breed of long-haired cat. It is best known for its unusual curly hair; the curl position can vary from tight corkscrew curls to loose ringlets. The American Curl was first bred in California in the 1980s by crossing the curly-coated Scottish Fold with the straight-coated Persian breed. The breed has a wonderful temperament and is extremely affectionate and docile; it is often compared to a dog and is a great companion for families with children. They are playful and enjoy interacting with people. Curls are extremely people-oriented and crave human company. Curls are very intelligent, easy to train, and are often used in animal testing due to their mild temperament.
4. Siamese

The Siamese is a medium-sized cat with an attractive, elongated, and muscular build. It is best known for its loud and demanding meow. The Siamese is an intelligent and active cat that is very social and likes to be around people and other animals. They are very affectionate and vocal, but they also are very territorial, so they will mark their territory by spraying. They are often recommended for people living alone because they crave attention and affection and will keep you company. They are also wonderful with children and will entertain them with their antics and playfulness. They are a high-maintenance breed, so they will require daily grooming to keep their beautiful coat in top condition.
5. British Shorthair
The British Shorthair is a large, sturdily built, muscular cat. It is a short-haired breed that comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns. The British Shorthair is a very friendly and sociable breed that is wonderful with children and other animals. They are very easy to train and are often used as therapy cats. They are quite affectionate and very loving and are great lap cats. They enjoy being around people and will happily keep you company as you go about your daily activities; they are not as demanding as some other breeds in terms of attention. They are very easy to groom, so they require minimal upkeep.

6. Sphynx
The Sphynx is a breed of hairless cat. Their hairlessness is due to a genetic mutation. Although they are the same species as other cats, they have a different mutation that causes hairlessness. Sphynxes are affectionate and extremely loving, but they will not suit people looking for a cuddly lap cat. They are very active and playful and enjoy climbing and exploring. They also need frequent grooming to keep their skin healthy and free of bacteria. Sphynxes are highly intelligent, sensitive, and have a keen curiosity. They can be trained to do tricks and will happily entertain you for hours with their antics. They are also very good at finding their way out of doors, so a Sphynx is not the breed for someone who lives in a high-rise apartment.

7. Persian

The Persian is a long-haired breed with a beautiful and luxurious coat. They are extremely affectionate and very loving and make wonderful lap cats. They are quite demanding of attention and will happily sit on your lap or snuggle up against you for hours on end. They are very sociable and love to be around people and other animals, so a busy household is perfect for a Persian. They are intelligent and easy to train, but they are not very active and are somewhat lazy. They are susceptible to digestive issues, so they require a special diet to avoid these problems. They also require daily grooming to keep their coat healthy and tangle-free.
8. Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is a huge, heavy, and long-haired breed of cat. It is native to New England and is one of the oldest breeds in the world, having been developed in the 19th century. The Maine Coon is a sociable breed that loves to be around people and other animals. They are very affectionate and are wonderful lap cats, but they are also very active and love to play. They are intelligent and very easy to train and make great companions for people of all ages. They are a high-maintenance breed and require daily grooming to keep their coat healthy and tangle-free. They are very good-natured and can cope with being kept in an apartment, but they will appreciate more room to roam.
9. Scottish Fold
The Scottish Fold is a short-haired breed with a distinctive folded-over ear. It is a very sociable and affectionate breed that is often kept as a family pet. It is very easy to train and makes a great companion for children. The Scottish Fold is best suited to being kept indoors as it is prone to ear infections and colds. Scottish Folds are very intelligent and easy to train, but they are not very active. They enjoy being around people and are very affectionate. They are not lap cats and prefer the higher things in life, like perching on top of cupboards or shelves. They are great with children and will happily keep them entertained with their antics.

10. Russian Blue
The Russian Blue is a medium-sized, short-haired breed with a very distinctive color. They are a very sociable and affectionate breed that enjoys being around people and other animals. They are very easy to train and make wonderful companions for children. They are very intelligent and easygoing and are not demanding in terms of attention. They are not lap cats and prefer the higher things in life. They like to perch on top of cupboards or shelves and will happily keep you company from up there. They are very easy to groom, so they are low maintenance.

There are many wonderful and unique kitten breeds out there, and finding the perfect one for you is a matter of deciding what you are looking for. Do you want a lap cat or a cuddle bug? Are you looking for a breed that is great with children? Do you want an indoor or an outdoor cat? Is your home more suited to a large breed or a small breed? There is a breed of cat out there for everyone, and we hope this list has helped you decide which one it is! Now all you need to do is get your kitten, and you will be on your way to many happy years of companionship. There are so many wonderful breeds out there, and they all offer something different. There is a breed out there that is perfect for everyone, and it is just a matter of finding the right one for you.