When you first bring your new orphan kitten home, she will feel a little bit like an alien. Everything is new and strange to her. This can be very scary for such a small and fragile creature. On top of that, the presence of other people in the house as well as other pets can be frightening to the tiny orphaned kitten. You need to help her become less scared and more trusting through these first few days together by taking things slowly, and following these tips: A scared kitten will tend to hide under furniture or might appear uninterested in anything around her. It’s important not to force your attention on her right away because this might just make her want to run and hide even more! Give her time to explore on her own terms so she won’t run and hide every time you come close. If you have another pet at home, keep them separated from your new kitty for a few days until she is more comfortable with everything around her. The key here is keeping things slow so the little one feels safe enough to explore on her own terms and build trust with you over time.
1: Show the orphan kitten where her food and water are

The first thing you need to do is show your new kitty where her food and water are. Cats are creatures of habit so the first time she eats and drinks will be the only time she will know where to find them. Putting her food and water in a place that is accessible for her but not for you is a good idea. You will want to keep it away from other pets as well as your kids just to be on the safe side. In addition, placing her food and water near her litter box is a good idea since this will allow her to get used to being around the smell of litter right from the start.
2: Let the orphan kitten explore on her own terms.
New cats will explore the new environment at their own pace. Let her take the time she needs to figure things out. If you feel like you need to intervene and “help” her explore, it will just slow everything down. Being too pushy and imposing on her will not work and it will only end up scaring her more! The most important thing to remember is to let her explore on her own terms. This means not picking her up or trying to guide her. Give her time to sniff around, walk around and use her sense of smell to navigate her new environment.
3: Don’t force your attention, at least not right away.

After your kitty has had a chance to explore the new home, you will want to give her the time and space to get comfortable with you and the other people. Don’t rush it or push it. Give her the time she needs to get comfortable with you and the new environment. There’s no need to talk to her or hold her right away. Just let her be and do her own thing. She will come to you when she is ready!
4: Greet orphan kitten when she is eating or bathing
Cats are creatures of habit and they like to eat and drink at the same time every day. It’s important that you respect her eating ritual by not interrupting her while she eats. When she is bathing or drinking, you can greet her by talking softly to her or by gently petting her.
5: Spend time with your orphan kitten while she’s playing

Cats like to play just as much as dogs do. Play with her using things that are not interactive so that she doesn’t feel pressured to interact back with you. You can use a laser pointer or even a fishing rod toy. Playing with her will not only help her get to know you better but it will also show her that you are not a threat.
6: Give her time to get comfortable with everything.

Everything in the house is new to your kitty and it will take time for her to get used to everything. Let her explore at her own pace and don’t rush her. This is especially important if you have dogs or other pets at home. Don’t push for more attention from her or for her to interact with other pets. Give her time to adjust to everything and everyone.
7: Help her understand that you are not a threat.
Cats are creatures of habit and prefer to be left alone when they are eating, bathing, or using the litter box. It’s very important that you respect her privacy while she is doing these things. Don’t force her to be in your company when she is eating or trying to bathe.
8: Be patient and keep things slow
Cats are creatures of habit and they will always do things at their own pace. Be patient and keep things slow. Keep your kitty’s feeding and sleeping schedule consistent so she can get used to it. Keep your expectations low and don’t rush things. Give your kitty enough time to adjust to her new life.
Benefits Of Pacification Of Orphan Kitten At an Early Age.

There are many benefits to pacifying orphan kittens at an early age. One of the most important benefits is that it helps them to socialize and bond with humans. This is critical for their development and overall well-being.
Orphan kittens who are not socialized and do not bond with humans can often become fearful and withdrawn. This can lead to behavioral problems later in life. Socialization and bonding with humans also help kittens to develop a sense of trust and security. They learn that humans are not a threat and that they can rely on us for love and care.
Another important benefit of pacifying orphan kittens at an early age is that it helps them to develop healthy eating habits. Kittens who are not fed on a regular schedule can often become finicky eaters and may have trouble digesting food properly. Pacifying orphan kittens and feeding them on a schedule helps them to develop healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.
Finally, pacifying orphan kittens at an early age helps to ensure that they receive the proper medical care and attention. Kittens who are not pacified are often difficult to handle during medical procedures and may be more likely to hide illness or injury. Pacifying orphan kittens makes it easier to provide them with the medical care they need and helps to ensure that they stay healthy and happy.
A scared kitten will tend to hide under furniture or might appear uninterested in anything around her. The most important thing to remember is to let her explore on her own terms. Don’t rush it or push it. Give her time to adjust to everything and have patience. It will all come together in due time and then you will have a new friend for life! With these tips and steps, you can be assured that you’re getting a best feline friend that loves you unconditionally.