Having orphan kittens is a rewarding experience but can also be stressful when they’re very young. Feeding, grooming, and keeping them warm takes time and patience. Sometimes, you have to deal with challenges that make you wonder if it’s all worth it. Fortunately, most orphaned kittens will accept the bottle after a few weeks. Some of them will only take the bottle after a few days. It depends on the kitten, their age, and their personalities. Considering that you don’t want to stress yourself in trying to get your kitten to take the bottle, here are some tips on how to deal with an orphaned kitten refusing the bottle:
Try different kinds of bottles.

You never know what might make your kitten feel comfortable. Some kittens might prefer a different type of bottle over another. The type of nipple on the bottle might make a difference in what your kitten decides to feed from. Try a few different types of bottles while waiting for the kitten to get more comfortable feeding from the bottle. It is especially true if your kitten is very young and their little mouths are still getting used to sipping from a bottle.
Hold the bottle at a different angle.
Some kittens will refuse to feed from the bottle if they feel like they’re being force-fed. It’s best to hold the bottle at an angle where the nipple is horizontal, and the flow is slow. It will help the kitten feel like they’re not being forced to take the bottle in their mouth. If your kitten refuses, you can try holding the bottle at a different angle. Try keeping the bottle at an angle similar to how a mother kitten would feed her newborns. It might help the kitten feel comfortable.
Warm up the milk before feeding it to your orphan kittens

Some kittens might not like the cold temperature of the recipe. In this case, try warming up the formula enough for it to be drinkable. If you’ve waited for the recipe to cool down, but your kitten is still refusing the bottle, you can try heating the bottle again to make the recipe’s temperature drinkable. The warmth of the formula might make your kitten feel more comfortable and want to feed.

Check if there are any issues with the recipe you’re using.
If your kitten refuses the recipe, it could be an issue. It might not have all the nutrients that your kitten needs to thrive. Some kittens will reject the drink because of its smell. If this is the case, you can try using a different formula or mixing both recipes to see which one your kitten prefers. You can also try changing the recipe brand to see if there’s a difference in the smell.
Ask other people for help.
You don’t have to do this alone. If you’re having difficulty getting your kitten to feed from the bottle, ask other people for help. Other people might have dealt with this issue before and can lend their advice on how to deal with an orphaned kitten refusing the bottle. You can also reach out to online communities and forums. Many people may be going through the same thing as you. You can ask them for advice and support. You can also offer your advice to others who are going through this. You never know who might need your help. You can also reach out to a local kitten shelter and ask if any of their kittens need help feeding from the bottle.
Never force your orphan kittens to drink when they refuse the bottle

You don’t want the kitten to associate the bottle with a negative experience. If you force your kitten to feed from the bottle, the kitten will associate it with a negative experience. It will only stress the kitten more, and they will likely refuse the bottle even more. Always remember that kittens have different personalities. Your kitten might be stubborn and want to do things their way. It’s best to let the kitten make their own choices and to feed on their terms. If you force them to do something, they might never want to do it again.
Ask for professional help.
If your kitten is old enough and hasn’t taken the bottle after two to three weeks, it might be time to ask for professional help. You can always ask your veterinarian for advice on how to deal with an orphaned kitten refusing the bottle. If your kitten is too young, it’s best to wait for some time before asking for professional help. It is because kittens need to be old enough before they can drink milk from a bottle. It’s best to wait until your kitten is about two weeks old before asking for help.

To summarize, these are the tips to follow if your orphan kitten is refusing the bottle.
The first thing that you can do is to warm up the milk so that it is closer to their body temperature. Kittens have very sensitive stomachs and the temperature of the milk can make a difference in whether they will accept it or not.
You can also try using a syringe to feed them the milk so that they do not have to suck as hard. If you are still having trouble getting them to take the bottle, you can try feeding them with a dropper or even soaking a cotton ball in milk and letting them lick it off.
You can also try a different type of bottle or nipple – sometimes a change in the way the milk is delivered can make a difference.
Another way to feed orphan kittens is to place them on their backs in a shallow dish. Then, using a bottle or syringe, slowly drip the milk onto their bellies. The kittens will instinctively lick the milk off their fur, and this method prevents them from aspirating the milk into their lungs.
You can try to get a small water bottle with a long, thin spout. Cut a small hole in the bottle’s cap, and insert the spout. This way, you can hold the bottle upside down and let the kittens ‘suck’ the milk from the spout, just like they would from their mother’s teat.
Finally, be patient and keep trying – even if the kitten doesn’t take the bottle right away. eventually, they may come around and start drinking. Always make sure you do it slowly and carefully so as not to overwhelm the kitten.
In the end
Orphaned kittens need to be fed every two to three hours. It can be very hectic for an adult person. You might find yourself questioning why you decided to take in a kitten. Thankfully, most kittens will accept the bottle after a few weeks. If your kitten refuses the bottle, try feeding them with different bottles and warm up the milk before feeding it to your kitten.
Your kitten might refuse the bottle because of how you’re feeding them. These tips will help you get your kitten to take the bottle. When your kitten is old enough to feed from the bottle, they will be very thankful, and you will be too. These adorable little creatures will be dependent on you for food and warmth. These are small things to ask in exchange for their love and affection.