In Part 1 of this article, you learned how to determine the orphan kitten. Additionally, in that piece, you also discovered what the final days of a dying orphan kitten are like, and some of the things you can do to make it more comfortable until its end.
However, what happens when that sad day comes? How do you help it go out with as little suffering as possible? In this article, we’ll explore the final steps to take when dealing with a dying orphan kitten. These tips will help make its last few hours or days as painless as possible.
Give a dying orphan kitten a warm bath.

Perhaps the most important thing to do at this stage is to clean the kitten. This will help keep it comfortable, but moreover, it will help ensure that the kitten is free of infection and parasites (fleas, ticks, etc.). The warm bath will also help to soothe the kitten and make it more comfortable. Use a mild soap that is free of chemicals such as dish detergent. Make sure you thoroughly rinse the kitten off to remove all traces of the soap. Pat the kitten dry with a soft towel and then place it in a clean and warm bed.
Provide a soft place for a dying orphan kitten to rest.
The floor is probably not the best place for the kitten at this point. Choose a soft place for the orphan to rest. A warm and comfortable place will provide relief from the pain. A heating pad or warm water bottle under a soft towel or blanket on the bottom of a box or in a bed will provide warmth and comfort for the kitten. Take care to make sure the kitten does not come in contact with the heating pad or water bottle as this may cause burns. The kitten may want to be held at this point. However, it’s important to remember that you should not be afraid to let the moment come naturally. If the kitten is in too much pain to be held, then hold it while it’s still able to be held.
Hold and pet the kitten before and after you place it in the box.
Holding and petting the kitten will provide it comfort and let it know that you care. This will help the dying kitten feel loved until its final moments. Be sure to clean your hands before handling the kitten to prevent the spread of infection. If possible, place a soft towel on the bottom of the box and lay the kitten on top of it. This will provide it with a soft, comfortable surface on which to rest.
Place a towel in the bottom of the box.
A towel will provide some softness for the kitten and will help to catch any waste that it produces. Some kittens will eat and drink at this point, but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t. If possible, keep a bowl of warm water nearby for the kitten to drink from. This will help to hydrate the kitten and assist with pain.
Get the best comfort meal for your dying orphan kitten.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best meal for a dying kitten will depend on the individual kitten’s health and dietary needs. However, some tips on choosing the best possible meal for a dying kitten include opting for a high-quality, easily digestible food that is rich in nutrients and calories and avoiding foods that are difficult to digest or that may cause stomach upset.
It is essential to make sure that the food is palatable for the kitten and that they are able to eat it easily. If the kitten is too weak to eat on its own, you may need to syringe-feed them.
It is also important to keep the kitten hydrated, so offering water or a low-sodium broth can be helpful. Ultimately, the goal is to provide the kitten with the nourishment they need to maintain their strength and energy levels, which can help them fight off illness and disease.
Finally, it is best to consult with a veterinarian to determine the best course of action for a dying kitten.
Don’t be afraid to let the moment come naturally.
Some kittens will hold on longer than others and will want to fight as long as they can. However, others will let go when they are ready. That’s perfectly fine. If your kitten is in pain, you don’t want it to suffer. That being said, don’t assume that because the kitten is quiet and motionless that it has passed away. It may simply be resting. Kittens stop moving when they are in pain, and many times they don’t move again until the pain subsides.
Help the dying orphan kitten find peace.

If you have the ability to do so, say a few words to the kitten at the end. Let it know that you care and appreciate its life. This will help the kitten find peace and move on. If you want, you could also pray for the kitten, or read a passage from a religious text. This can be very comforting and help you to deal with the situation better.
Help a dying orphan kitten defecate and urinate before it dies.
If the kitten is still eating and drinking, this won’t be a concern. However, if it has stopped eating and drinking, it may become necessary to help the kittens defecate and urinate before it dies. If the kitten is still eating and drinking, be sure to provide plenty of fluids and food. You can easily do this by letting the kitten drink from a bottle or by using an eye dropper. Simply place the kitten on its back and let it suck the fluids from the bottle. You can also mix water with the kitten formula and feed it to the kitten with an eye dropper.
Prepare for Final Disposal of the Body
Once the kitten has passed away, it is crucial to prepare the body so that it can be put to rest. This will help prevent the spread of disease and germs. It will also help you to deal with the situation better.
– Be sure to clean your hands thoroughly before touching the body.
– Place the body in a sealable bag.
– Place the bag in a cardboard box.
– Place the box in the cold area until you can bury or cremate the body.
Dying orphan kittens are some of the most heartbreaking moments in a feline caregiver’s life. However, it’s important to remember that you cannot save every kitten that you find. You must first be sure that the kitten is an orphan and then proceed from there.
If you follow these steps, you will help make the kitten’s last moments as peaceful as possible. These tips will also help you to deal with the situation better and emotionally cope with the loss.